
2015 USYS Hawaii State Cup Tournament
GU14 Semi-Finalist - 3rd place

2014 USCS National Cup Finals Tournament
GU13 Finalist - 2nd place

2014 HYSA State Championships Tournament
GU13 Semi-Finalist

2014 USCS Hawaii State Cup Tournament
GU13 Champions

2014 Vegas Cup Tournament
GU13 Quarter-Finalist

2013 Adidas Premier Cup Tournament
GU12 Champions

2013 HYSA State Championships Tournament
GU12 Finalist - 2nd Place

2012 Aloha International Cup (AIC) Tournament
GU12 Champions

2012 Rainier Challenge Tournament
GU12 Champions

2012 President's Day Cup Tournament
GU11 Finalist - 2nd Place

2011 Rush Thanksgiving Tournament
GU11 Champions

2011 President's Day Cup Tournament
GU10 Finalist - 2nd Place

2010 Chaminade Futsol 5v5 Tournament
G10 Champions
Leahi 01 Blue went undefeated!  Congrats girls!!


2010 Aloha International Cup (AIC) Tournament
GU10 Champions
Leahi 01 Blue went undefeated and did not allow any team to score a goal! Congrats girls!

     2010 AIC Tournament Results
     Video Highlights:
          Leahi 01 Blue vs Matrix
          Leahi 01 Blue vs Rush 01

2009 Rush Thanksgiving Tournament
GU9 Finalist - 2nd place

2009 Aloha International Cup (AIC) Tournament
Coed U9 Semi-Finalist