Tryouts for Leahi 2001 (born 8/1/00 -
7/31/01) for the 2015-2016 season will be held on:
Saturday, June 6, 2015
at Central Oahu Regional Park – Field 3
Registration: 8:30 am
Tryouts: 9:00 – 11:00 am
Instructions for players:
- pre-register online for tryouts
- arrive at 8:30 am to check-in and complete the registration
process ... download the registration form, update, print, sign and bring with you to tryouts
- wear proper soccer attire – tshirt, shorts, socks,
shinguards, soccer shoes … NO Leahi logo attire
- bring your own water and size 5 soccer ball
Additional information:
- all existing and prospective Leahi players must
attend tryouts in order to be considered for a team
- if a player is interested in trying out for Leahi 2001 but
is unable to attend the tryout session, or if there are any questions regarding
tryouts, please contact Leahi Soccer Club at:
- for a complete list of tryout dates by age group go to: